Let us help preserve your memories by taking your old, worn, damaged, discolored photos and bringing them back to life. Also, we offer printing options available from photo books to canvas sized prints and much more (framing options coming soon). Our focus is quality not quantity, so you can rest assured that we take each project seriously and we make sure you are happy with the outcome.
PricingFree estimates. Price(s) based on the time it will take to restore the photo(s) due to the condition of the [scanned] photo(s). You only have to pay if you agree with the estimate and upon completion. Special pricing available for bulk orders.
Most restoration prices range from $20 - $70, however if damage is severe it may be higher. We will negotiate when such cases arise.
Extra charges apply if you take advantage of our printing options.
Turnaround time, on average, is between 24-48 hours.
Minimum, 600 dpi at 100% of original size. We will accommodate 300 dpi, although, for greater results, we don’t prefer. Your scanner may determine this, however.
Clients will have three options:
Option 1 – Mail / ship original photo(s) or scanned copy/copies stored on disc or flash drive (customer covers all mail/shipping costs).
Option 2 - Deliver in-person the original photo(s), disc or flash drive.
Option 3 (Recommended) – Upload scanned copy of photo(s) (most scanners meet minimum requirements) using our online from.
Additionally, we will, gladly, accommodate the use of cloud services or you can send us an e-mail, as well. All original photos will be returned upon delivery of completed projects. We use them as reference as we restore the photo.
A watermarked preview of the restoration will be provided for your review before we finalize the project. This allows you to provide feedback so you get exactly what you want.
Photo Restoration Services
Restoration – torn or damaged Coloring – bring color back to faded photos or add color to black and white photos Retouching – remove minor blemishes or shiny skin Blurred Images – depending on how severe the blur is we can, at the very least, remove a good portion of the blur. Manipulation – remove or add objects Regardless of the condition of the photo let us take a look and we’ll advise what the options are. |